23 March 2013

A new toy and Project life: Monica

Last week I was going through the mall doors minding my own buissnes when a salesman from a phone company approched me asking what company I used and as I looked at their stand I saw that is was the company we use for our cellphones, so I told him. Then he asked me how long I had been a customer there and said he might have something for me since I had  been with them for more than a year. So he checked, and gave me the choice beween upgrading my iphone 4 to a 5 or get a tablet computer. Not bad. I chose the latter. I'm not a big fan of sitting by a computer and since getting my iphone I kind of only sits there to work with my photos and write my blogpost.

So now I'm sitting here in my comphy chair with this amazing thing in my lap writing and I'm one happy gal. I believe and hope that this will help me get more blogpost done.

I have another new thing to tell you too. I was pondering my project life and realised I really wanted to make that for myself too. Unlike many other scrapbookers I have never had any problems scrapping myself (quite the oppasite, actually!), so I guess this was unavoidable!!

Like with my family project life, I will be doing this monthly and I have done January and are working on Febuary. And it is so much fun!!

Here's my page for January. I posted a photo of it on instagram (my name there is emia23) but I have jazzed it up a bit since then.

The screenshot from new years eve is my introduction of the year, I didn't care about doing a separate page for that since welcoming the new year is a part of January. The lovely background photo of the sunflower on my sceen, and the photo of the Christmas tree kind of set the tone for the page. I had to make something that bound those photos together, since they have absolutly nothing in common exept for some green. So green and a touch of yellow and red made the trick, I think.

All these pages holds a veriaty of both new and realy old things and I like that. By the way, if anyone wonders, the tree holds the fact that as happy I am about welcoming Christmas in December, as happy I am about saying goodbye to it in January!

I don't know if this is a memory thing or not, but I have much more things written down for Febuary than January and even more for this month. Not that it's sure that everything I write down will absolutly surely make it's way to the actual page in the end.

Here 's a sneak from February.

 February´s page was quite a journey at the beginning, but I´ll share that when it´s all done.

Tomorrow it´s  time for a new post about signs of spring, though it´s still winter... Sigh.

Have a nice Saturday night!

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