24 November 2012

Document: 2012 July, Aug & Sept

I really like my Document: 2012 scrapbooking. I might very likely scrapbook more this way. instead of making a whole layout you can just use a pocket or two and the story is still there.

Here´s my lates pages.

I made the olympic rings with my circle punches. They were a little too big for the pocket, but that kind of just mad it more "artistic"...

Here I divided the photos of my son starting school unto two pockets since the where portrait style and I didn´t want to cut the to fit in one pocket. This I however did with the photo of the three gentlemen in the down left pocket, but that was quite ok.

All about my daughter and her little ones coming here to stay. There were no other photos taken that month at all! But A LOT taken while they were here and that will fill quite some layouts. One pocket got to hold what else were to say about this month... I loved including the piece of the map paper, love maps! And I used my selfmade arrow stamp. Love that.

One week till December!! Yay!

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