28 January 2011


This new (or is it new, it feels just like the one I had two weeks ago...) cold´s got me in it´s hold and I am not amused at all! I´ve made lunch and dinner and that´s about it.
 I´ve listened to These happy golden years by Laura Ingalls Wilder while I´ve been resting today. I love her books, they give such a wonderful perspective to your life. They had so little but was so grateful for what they had. And they were happy because they had each other and loved each other and they tried their best to what was right. That is so wonderful.

But actually I managed to do a layout today too! It´s about my two oldest daughters and their beauty, on the inside and outside.

Aren´t they beautyful?! It´s Miss S to the left and Mrs L to the right. I´m so very proud of them both. I´m a very lucky woman, I really like my children. I mean, I think they are such nice persons and I enjoy their company very much. It could happen that you love your children, but don´t like them, so being so lucky that you´ve got eight children and you think they are all very nice is a blessing. AND I have one very nice son-in-law and will get another one in three weeks time, and that´s wonderful too.

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Sarah W said...
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